Marie-Claude Geoffroy
Youth suicide and mental health is a top research priority in Canada. An estimated 1.2 million Canadian youth suffer from mental disorders and suicide is the 2nd cause of death among youth. Despite its devastating impact, little progress has been made in the understanding and treatment of suicidal behaviours and related mental disorders. Dr. Geoffroy’s research is aiming to produce ground-breaking information for the field–identifying bio-psycho-social factors in play in the development of suicidal behaviours and developing preventative strategies to improve mental well-being. Her research is based on large epidemiological samples, in addition to psychiatric patients. In addition to conducting research, Dr. Geoffroy is a clinical psychologist specializing in therapy (CBT, DBT) with adolescents affected by severe mood disorders and suicidal thoughts at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. Dr. Geoffroy received an early career investigator award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec en santé. Her current projects are funded by several funding agencies including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Réseau Québécois sur le Suicide, les Troubles de l’Humeur et les Troubles Associés.
Department of Education and Counselling Psychology, McGill University
Montreal H3A 1Y2