Lauree Tilton-Weaver
I am a lifespan developmental psychologist, specializing in the adjustment and development of adolescents. As a social scientist, I am primarily interested in how parenting and peer relationships influence, and are influenced by, adolescents. Below is some additional information about my work and role at Orebro University.
I am an active member of the Society for Research on Adolescence and the European Association for Research on Adolescence, holding or having held positions in each. I am also a member of the International Society for Research on Behavioral Development and the Society for Adolescent Medicine. I am an Assistant Editor for the Journal of Adolescent, a Series Editor for Psychology Press' Studies in Adolescent Development. I have been very involved in the EARA-SRA Summer Schools, including serving as Chair of its steering committee and director or co-director of four schools.
For NSSI Publications:
Örebro University
70182 Örebro